
Need Help Finding Your Lamp?

Now that you know about the difference in quality and value between Projector Lamp World lamps and “replacements” from the other guys, let us walk you through our easy product search process.


  • Step 1: Locate the "LAMPS SEARCH" tool located at the top of the website, just below the navigation menu. Then, within the drop-down box labeled "Select Brand" simply selects the manufacturer of your projector or TV.


  • Step 2:Then, after selecting the manufacturer of your projector or TV manufacturer, select “how to search your lamp by the projector model or the lamp part number.” After doing so, you will see all relevant models listed in the drop-down box labeled “search by model / search by part." Select the model of your projector or TV, or choose the part number (lamp model) from the drop-down list.


    After doing so, you will be automatically redirected to the product details, including price, projector lamp part number, and stock availability. You can then proceed through our online checkout system to complete the process.


    As a search alternative, in the top right of the website, you’ll notice a Google custom search bar. Please input any projector lamp code, manufacturer name, or other relevant keywords to search our website for the relevant product you’re seeking.


    Please note, if your projector model is NOT listed in our system, call or email and we’ll be
    sure to find it for you!
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